NeuroVisual Certification Level Training

Inneuractive’s three levels of certification training programs are designed to progress the NeuroVisual Training Student through the stages of NeuroVisual Training principles. Upon completion of each of the 3 training programs the student will be issued a certificate of completion. Classes are generally performed live, but online training is possible on a case by case basis. We can do the training at our facility or for groups, we can bring the equipment for the training to you.

CL1 course | CL2 course | CL3 course

Check out some of our recent certification recipients

CL1 Course

(Approximately 24 hours of training)

Introduction: Inneuractive’s instructional course called CL1 is an interactive lecture series with practical demonstrations focusing on NeuroVisual training (NVT) methodologies. The lecture series, includes hands on training, is designed for sports medical and health care professionals with an interest in learning NVT methods. NVT evaluation and training methods are taught in the lectures and demonstrated in the practical sessions. 

Focus: CL1 is focused on training the student to do neurovisual oriented assessments and training. We believe that learning the assessments and the significance of the assessment results helps guide the NVT trainer when doing NVT training with a client or patient. This helps them when doing NVT for performance enhancement. Therefore training methods are focused on with an understanding of the testing methods. 

Skills learned: Students learn a host of training methods including Brock String, Hart Charts, Saccadic eye movement, Near-Far, Pitch and Catch methods using Marsden balls and Squarkle, Colored batons, NVT Light Board, Wacky Ball, Gaze Stabilization, Thumb Thing, Bates Field Splitters, Spatial Reasoning, Tachistoscope, Eye Discipline, Eye Dominance, Stroop and others. 

The above training modalities are paired with testing modalities to ensure optimization of the NVT program. Some training themes in the CL1 course are: binocularity, suppression (near and far), horizontal and vertical phoria (near and far), convergence, divergence, pupillary reflexes, tracking, accommodation, reaction time, Eye Dominance, Visual Memory, smooth pursuits and others. For these testing methods the CL1 student will learn how to perform the tests and document the results. Said results can become part of medical records, decision making for progression and for communication with other NVT personnel. 

Reduction to Practice: The students will learn a skill set including how to do intake evaluations and report said results. They will also learn how to implement a NVT program and progress the program by adding complexity and dual (multi) tasking to the training methods. They will learn what to watch for concerning deficiencies or abilities based on performance metrics and behavior. The student will also be able to troubleshoot simple deficiencies while being cogent of scope of practice. 

Upon Completion: When a student has completed the CL1 class he/she will be able to work independently as a team member doing NVT for performance enhancement as well as performing baseline assessments. He/she will also be able to participate in doing rehabilitation under the direction of a rehabilitation specialist who will direct the care. Please note Inneuractive will be training individuals to CL3 levels and said individuals are expected to be able to direct rehabilitation-oriented NVT. So continuation of education is available. 

For course scheduling and costs, contact us here.

CL2 Course

(Approximately 30 hours of training)

Introduction: Inneuractive’s CL2 class will focus on Inneuractive’s validated baseline series. The students will learn all the tests employed in the baseline panel. They will learn how to do the tests, how to score the tests and how to read the scores. They will also learn how to record and read our quantitative grading system to aid in understanding the significance of the test results. The students will learn our grading methodology and how to use it as part of an intake baseline. The baseline will be explained and used for assessing ready-to-play and to-design performance enhancement plans on a team wide and or individual basis. The Class is typically 40 hours. 

The typical CL2 class will involve learning all the baseline tests and the science behind the tests. This will include troubleshooting and spotting deficiencies that may need to be referred to a specialist or higher level of care. The students will also learn how to perform the test as part of a return to play or post-traumatic brain injury (TBI) assessment as well as how to read the post-TBI baselines. The CL2 student will be taught how to use the baseline and the results therein as part of a team member managing TBI patients. 

Focus: The CL2 training program will focus on the role of the neurovisual tests in the baseline panel and the wide-ranging brain related information obtained from the tests. There will also be instruction on how to troubleshoot the tests and corollary tests that can be employed as part of a performance enhancement or TBI tool. We will focus the education on making the CL2 graduate a valuable team member having mastered the skills related to the baseline. 

Skills learned: A major skill that will be taught in the class is how to read the baseline tests as well as performing the tests. This will include how to read the tests from an individual as well as for a team. The CL2 student will also gain knowledge related to reading the sum of the tests for an athletic team and be able to apply those readings in designing a team based NVT program. Interpreting the readings is a central skill that will be useful for gaining a deeper understanding of the NVT needs for performance enhancement as well as TBI rehab. 

Reduction to Practice: The students will learn the concept of multiplicity of symptoms and tests. That is if a client or patient has clusters of deficiencies these deficiencies could be an indication of a broader problem that may need further examination; with referral to other clinicians and/or added tests. This understanding will make the CL2 students valued team members for performance enhancement as well as for TBI treatments. 

Upon Completion: When a student has completed the CL2 class they will be able to use the baseline tests and the whole baseline tool as a valuable information adjunct to performance enhancement as well as TBI management. They will be able to document and communicate said findings in a clinically relevant and quantitative way such that other team members will be equally able to use these results to aid in the goals for that athlete, team or patient. The CL2 training will elevate the utility of the CL2 student by giving them a valuable skillset that has broad sports and clinical application. 

For course scheduling and costs, contact us here.

CL3 Course

(Approximately 36 plus hours of training)

Introduction: Inneuractive’s CL3 is a self-contained educational program that will teach practitioners of Neuro Visual Training (NVT) to test, rehab, and help manage post traumatic brain injured (TBI) patients. The CL3-trained specialist will be able to perform neuro-oriented NVT tests to aid in diagnosis and progression of rehab and be part of a team caring for and treating the TBI patient. The student will also be able to participate in NVT baseline assessments for sports or TBI and make meaningful interpretation of the results of said exams. The class is typically 40 hours. 

The typical CL3 class will be a mixture of flipped classroom where the students will have pre-class materials to read. There will be a lecture component that can be performed live or via remote classroom. There will be a skills acquisition component, hands-on skills, that can be done on site or at centralized locations depending upon class size and schedules. Finally, there is a competency section where the student demonstrates basic competency in performing certain tasks. All competency tasks are clearly defined at the beginning of the class and students can be checked off on competency milestones as the class progresses. 

Focus: The CL3 training program will be an extension of the CL1 and CL2 programs but advanced to focus on NVT as appropriate to the TBI patient. We will focus on tests and training modalities commonly used to assess NeuroVisual deficiencies in the TBI patient. The student will learn how to do the tests, document test results, interpret the tests, implement NVT targeting deficiencies that have been identified and report the results of the tests and training. 

Skills learned: The CL3 student will also have a broad understanding of the relationship between deficiency and treatment needed. Students learn advanced NVT methods. While there may be repeats in some methods from CL1 and CL2 the methods will be advanced to include troubleshooting, identifying mechanisms for deficiencies and a deeper understanding concerning their use and the results obtained. Some of the advanced methods to be acquired are eye-hand retinotopic mapping for localization and memory, OKN for direction and cortical tracking, closed eye turns to localize canal dysfunction, and methods to aid in fusing the visual image. The students will also be educated on good monitoring techniques by observing the tests for good performance and recognition of deficiencies. 

Reduction to Practice: The students will learn how to take the individual training modalities and combine them into complex multitasks. Also, the student will be instructed on how to design rehab sessions using drills or interval training that covers the three pillars of NeuroVisual training. Students will learn how to continuously test and monitor progression of the TBI patient. Based on the student’s ability to test and monitor progression of the TBI patient, the student will also be equipped with the means to add complexity to the rehab tasks as improvement is made. 

Upon Completion: When a student has completed the CL3 class they will be able to assess a TBI patient for neuro-visual deficiencies, identify deficiencies and recommend treatments. They will also be able to design and manage the progression of performance enhancement training being performed by CL1 and/or CL2 personnel. Of note, it is assumed that CL3-trained individuals will work with physicians who will oversee and approve treatments and recommendations by the CL3s. As an educated CL3 practitioner, the CL3 graduates will be able to become valuable members of clinical teams diagnosing, treating, and managing the TBI patient or performance enhancement team. 

For course scheduling and costs, contact us here.